Tribute from Uncle John

Created by alb1983 6 years ago

Firstly as I stand here today and look around at how full this room is this only confirms to me how popular my Nephew was and that makes me and my family immensely proud, he was a truly wonderful young man and We thank you all for being here.

Andrew or as all his friends and colleagues new him Andy, this young man was at a period in his life where we had seen him at his most happiest and content.  During the last few years he had become a god parent to Paul and Julia’s little girl Annabelle which made him very happy and immensely proud, visited her often and shared some lovely times with them all. He also made a career move to Rackspace and met some wonderful friends and colleagues and this seemed to be his perfect job and he was very happy there. 

Then his sister Amy gave birth to our Ollie and Andrew was beside himself at becoming an Uncle and he absolutely adored him and he was the kind of uncle everyone would want, the adoration was very mutual and as Ollie grew they became closer and closer even when he was starting to get ill and right up to the end he was at his happiest when Ollie was around.

In the latter part of last year Andrew started to suffer some strange symptoms for which he seeked medical help, after several visits he was eventually referred to the hospital and in January of this year was diagnosed with a massive brain tumour, after having an operation ,radio therapy and several courses of Chemotherapy his treatment proved unsuccessful and on 15th November he succumbed to this most evil and brutal disease ,a disease that seems to know no bounds ,after a period of only 10 months. But I never once heard him utter the words it’s not fair or why me, he suffered his illness with tremendous courage, dignity and bravery.

There are some people I and others in my family wish to thank, none more

So than the wonderful staff and friends of Florence Nightingale Hospice, Stoke Mandeville who treated Andrew in his last few weeks of life with from what I witnessed I could only describe as such beauty and grace, they are all a very special type of human being.

Also all my Brother Alan and my sister in law Lyn’s wonderful friends and neighbours, especially Paul and Margy who I know would invite them round often and enjoy evenings together were they tried to restore some normality. Quite how Alan & Lyn have got through this period is beyond me.

Suffice to say they have had and will continue to have the full support of our family and a special thank you to our wonderful niece Amy who has been her mum and dads rock a truly remarkable and strong young lady.

After this celebration today we as a family must learn to accept and live with this tragic event, this has blown a massive hole in our family, but accept and move on we will as he will be with us in our hearts and minds whatever we do forever, goodbye for now Andrew you were a very inspirational young man and we love you always until we meet again Thank you for just being you.